Sunday, 21 January 2018

Sunday Favourites #311

Happy Sunday guys! 

I hope you're all having a great weekend so far, whatever you're up to.

I haven't been up to anything interesting, but I have put together a new batch of Sunday Favourites for you to sink your teeth in to, so at least I've achieved something. Haha! Enjoy!

I love these intricate paper collages by Rocío Fernández Fuks.

How pretty does this rainbow popcorn from Club Crafted look?!

Lovely DIY mini framed floral artwork from Maritza Lisa.

I'd love to get my hands (or should that be ears?) on these gorgeous Typo cherry print headphones from ASOS.

This colourful DIY poured paint marble planter from A Kailo Chic Life.

This cactus cake, also from A Kailo Chic Life, is absolutely amazing.

I adore this watercolour palette enamel pin from Natty Michelle Paperie. So colourful!

Thread Folk's llama embroidery is just about the cutest embroidery ever!

I'm inspired by A Subtle Revelry's craft closet organisation. So much colour!

These avocado and cactus rugs from Sass and Belle are too cute for words.

This cosmic bumblebee hand-embroidered hoop art piece by Emillie Ferris is stunning.

I need to try this confetti brownies recipe from Best Friends For Frosting. They look delicious.

And this Omoshiro Block memo pad reveals different objects as it gets used. How cool is that?!

Lovely Links

 'To those who've been reviewing my disability benefits application for over a year.' A shocking reality for so many sick and disabled people.

 'Just because I can do it, doesn't mean I shouldn't. Just because I can do it, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.' Amen!

 Why it's ridiculous for a study to 'discover' that people with chronic pain have positive emotions. Big surprise; we have feelings! It astounds me that some people, namely doctors and the DWP, seem to expect us to be miserable all the time. They do realise we're still human, right?

 The Trump Administration creates new division to protect doctor's religious freedoms. Surely refusing to treat a patient goes against a doctor's Hippocratic oath? 

 Calendar of burly mer-men raises $300,000 for a mental health charity in Newfoundland. I love that there's actually a club for men with beards and moustaches!

 Poachers broke in to a big cat sanctuary in South Africa and killed two rescued lions. Eurgh. I hate humans.

 Family can't believe their eyes after their professional photographer shows them their photos. I'm sensing that this is probably a publicity stunt, but real or not, it's still pretty funny.

 Stranger Things star David Harbour jokingly promised a fan he'd join her for her high school yearbook photo-shoot if her tweet gained 25k retweets... and actually followed through when she smashed it! I love this!

 'Why I took my wife's last name.' Why not?

 'Does My Body Hair Offend You?' Such an inspiring and interesting read.

 Photographer reverses gender roles in sexist vintage ads, and the results show just how degrading they are. Sexism at its finest.

If you'd like to see more stuff like this, check out my Pinterest and Tumblr. You can also find all previous Sunday Favourites posts here.

What was your favourite part this week?

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