Friday, 19 January 2018

Cadbury Gifts Direct Post Christmas Sale Haul

Christmas may be over, but some sale shopping this week has enabled me to stretch that Christmas cheer out a little bit longer. No, I haven't been splashing out on clothes or beauty products; I've actually been splurging on chocolate. Cut price Cadbury Christmas chocolate, to be exact; the only thing better than Cadbury chocolate.

Last week, I discovered that the Cadbury Gifts Direct website had slashed the prices of their Christmas sale stock right down, with many items more than 80% off, and as low as just 30p. Naturally, at those prices, I couldn't resist placing an order and snapping up some bargains, so I did just that. I placed my order last Friday afternoon, it was dispatched within the hour, and the box arrived on Monday morning, packed full of festive chocolate. It certainly brought a little happiness to my family on that gloomy Blue Monday.

In total, I bought twenty-two edible items- they're not all for me, though; I'm not that greedy, honest- and my delicious haul came in at just under a tenner. With delivery I spent £13.85, which was a bargain for all that chocolate.

It didn't occur to me to blog about my order, until I shared a photo of my haul on social media on Monday, and was met with excited chocoholics who had never heard of the website rushing off to grab some bargains for themselves. It was only then that I realised the sale was a well kept secret, so I decided it was only fair to spread the word and tell you guys about it, too. 

Let me show you what I got for my money...

I won't lie, the main reason why I placed an order was to get my hands on the chocolate Santas. They taste just like Cadbury Easter eggs, which is the tastiest chocolate ever. Fact. I picked up eight of the 100g chocolate Santas for just 60p each; a total steal considering they originally retailed for £2.99!  (They also have 50g chocolate Santas on sale for just 30p). They're so delicious they didn't all survive the week; three Santas have since perished. May they rest in peace.

The cardboard tubes of Cadbury Freddo Faces, Buttons, and Fudge Minis were down to just 30p from £1.42, which was so ridiculously cheap I bought nine boxes; four each of the Buttons and Freddo Faces, and one box of Fudge. I was tempted to buy more, but I restrained myself to keep my order under a tenner to get the cheaper delivery fee. Unfortunately, these are all currently sold out, but keep checking back as they did come back in to stock in last year's sale.

I also picked up two of the large Cadbury Snow Bites Christmas crackers, which are stuffed with four little bags of Snow Bites. They originally retailed for £2.99 a cracker, which I'm sure you'll agree is shockingly overpriced for 126g of Cadbury chocolate, but on sale for just 40p, they were a fantastic bargain. If you've never tried Snow Bites before, they're similar to Mini Eggs, but with a dusting of icing sugar on the outside.

Speaking of Snow Bites, I also bought a couple of little 43g tubes of Snow Bites for less than half price. They were originally 65p, and on sale for just 30p. It didn't occur to me at the time that I would've saved money and got more chocolate by buying another cracker instead, but hey ho; these little tubes are cuter.

And my final purchase was something I used to beg my Mum for each Christmas, but was never allowed (probably because they were expensive and would've lasted two seconds on the tree with three kids in the house)... a pack of Chocolate Christmas Tree Decorations. I'm finally living the childhood dream! Haha! If only I still had a Christmas tree up to hang them on... The mixed pack of fourteen milk chocolate and milk chocolate Oreo chocolate decorations was a pricey £3.46, but on sale for a much purse-friendlier 50p. Pretty damn good for fourteen big pieces of chocolate!

Everything I purchased has a best before date of the 31st of March 2018, so you could stock up on chocolate and satisfy your chocolate cravings right through 'til Easter without even breaking the bank! Y'know, if you're one of those weird people who can have chocolate in the house without actually eating it.

I'm not one of those people.

Unfortunately, most of these awesome bargains have now sold out- probably because I coerced several chocoholics in to purchasing their own hauls and wasn't quick enough writing this post-, but there are still loads of other edible Cadbury bargains to shop from, which you can find here. Last year, many of the items did come back in to stock after initially selling out, so keep checking back if you have your eye on anything in particular.

Will you be treating yourself to some chocolate in the Cadbury sale?


  1. This is an excellent haul! It's interesting to see the difference between NZ and the UK in terms of Christmas treats!

  2. I actually am one of those people who can have mounds of choc without eating it! I definitely would like to get some of this next time!


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