Friday, 16 September 2016

My Tsum Tsum Collection

Earlier this year, I started collecting Disney Tsum Tsums, the cute little Kawaii-style soft toys that have become the Beanie Babies of today. 

I have a handsome little collection of eighteen so far, which isn't a lot compared to other collectors, but I thought it would be fun to show you what I've collected so far anyway.

From top, left to right:

Elliot // Absolem caterpillar // Absolem butterfly // Tweedle Dum // Tweedle Dee.
Cogsworth // Beast // Queen of Hearts // March Hare // Mad Hatter // Dormouse.
Baloo // Kaa // Pascal // Alice (series two) // Alice (series one) // The White Rabbit // The Cheshire Cat.

The majority of my collection is made up of Alice in Wonderland characters. It's my favourite Disney film, and one I've been ever so slightly obsessed with it since I was really young, so when the Alice in Wonderland Tsum Tsums came out, I had to have them. 

I missed the first collection, which I think came out last year, but I managed to find Alice, The White Rabbit, and The Cheshire Cat at Clintons at the beginning of the year, and that is when my collection began. After that, I started collecting the second series when it came out in the Spring, but as it sold out within minutes, I built up the collection slowly through eBay, presents from Disney World, and reappearances on the Disney Store website this Summer. The designs were all so perfect that I just couldn't resist them, especially the Tweedles and Absolem the caterpillar and butterfly. Once I track down The White Rabbit, and The Cheshire Cat, I'll have the full collection!

Over the Summer, I also added Baloo, Kaa, Pascal, Cogsworth, The Beast, and Elliot the dragon to my little collection. Baloo and Kaa were supposed to be presents for my little sister's birthday, but she bought them not long after I did, so I just kept them for myself.

If I had to choose favourites, I would have to go with Elliot the dragon, and Absolem the butterfly. They're the most adorable soft toys ever! Elliot has the cutest little pink Mohawk, and even has noughts and crosses on his stomach, and Absolem, well he knows how to rock a pair of butterfly wings while maintaining an air of indifference. 

I've become really fond of Tsum Tsums this year, and I know my collection will just keep on growing. I have a feeling this won't be the last you'll hear about them from me!

Do you have a Tsum Tsum collection?


  1. They're really sweet!! I like the Cheshire cat best! What a cutie! I like the combined etext of them piled up.
    Hold on, I've just read it again. You said you will have the whole collection once you get the Cheshire Cat and Rabbit bit you've already got them!


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