Monday, 5 September 2016

My Autumn Goals 2016

Autumn is finally here, and I couldn't be happier about it! I'm already looking forward to the pretty Autumn foliage, cosy dark evenings spent reading and crafting, blankets, hot drinks, candles, Autumn fashion, layers, knitwear, Autumn walks, rainy days, cosy pyjamas, bonfires, Halloween, comfort food, and countless other things that make Autumn wonderful. I love this time of year!

I don't know why, but I always become super motivated and aspirational when Autumn begins. I always want to do this, that, and the other. I've already come up with a long list of things I want to do before the year is through, so I thought I'd share the list with you today. 

1.  Get a hair cut- I've not had one in almost three years! My poor hair is a mess and in desperate need of some TLC. I want to get about a foot chopped off!
2. Get an eye test and new glasses- I'm three years over due a test, and haven't had new glasses in five. Since my vision is now blurry through my glasses, I can't hold off much longer. 
3. Make it to the bonfire.
4. Watch my town's fireworks display.
5. Play with sparklers. (Err, kids, please don't actually play with sparklers! It won't end well.)
6. Visit the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford.
7. Make it to see Ronan Keating live later this month. (Don't laugh, he's lush!)
8. Buy new ballet pumps, and let go of my favourite pair which are falling apart. Sob.
9. Explore a cemetery.
10. Carve a pumpkin.
11. Make dog treats for Rosie using the scooped out pumpkin flesh. (I found some recipes on Pinterest I want to try).
12. Make French onion soup. I've not made it in years, but it's delicious, and so good on cold, dark Autumn evenings.
13. Fill my wardrobe with gorgeous clothes and accessories in burgundy, raspberry, forest green, teal, mustard, and rust.
14. Complete the two Christmas cross stitch samplers I'm working on, and finish the last four Christmas cross stitch cards I have left to make. Try to sew every day.
15. Have a go at making lots of hand-embroidered hoop art. (I bought all the supplies last year).
16. Go for at least one Autumn walk, so I can crunch through paths of crunchy dead leaves, take in the beautiful scenery, and snap photos.
17. Work out what to buy for my Dad's 70th in November, and my Mum's 60th in December. I've no idea what to give them, so I might look in to experience days.
18. Have a Halloween-themed movie marathon.
19. Get a hot chocolate.
20. Read as much as possible.
21. Have a good clear out to de-clutter and make some extra cash.
22. Work hard on training Rosie up in to the perfect, well-behaved pup I know is in there somewhere. 
23. Go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We're thinking of going in November or December for 'Hogwarts In The Snow', when the sets are all dressed for Christmas.
24. Get my Christmas shopping finished. Yes, I've already started! I've been picking up gifts throughout the year to spread the cost. Look at me being all organised!
25. Take lots of blog photos before the 'good Summer light' is gone for another year.
26. Look in to buying a soft-box / blog lights. When the daylight is actually bright enough for taking photos, I never seem to be having a good pain day, so I rarely manage to snap the photos I need for blogging, and I end up not blogging at all. I think it's time I got myself some lights, but I have no idea where to start. I haven't got much room so I need something small or easy to pack away, and I only have a small budget. Any recommendations?
27. Reply to all unanswered blog comments and emails, and be a better blogger. I'm hoping to sit down and catch up later this week because it's long over due, and I'm ashamed of myself for letting things slide. I'm sorry!
28. Give my blog a face lift. My blog is a mess, and is in desperate need of some TLC, so it's time I gave it a bit of love.
29. Blog lots. I have all these ideas, so it's time I got back in to the swing of things.
30. Work on improving my photography, and photo editing skills.
31. Treat myself to some gorgeous new nail polishes in Autumnal colours. So many of my old ones have dried up, so it's time for an over-haul.
32. Buy some cosy new gloves.
33. Visit The Ashmolean museum in Oxford.
34. Visit Blenheim Palace.
35. Watch Stranger Things and find out what all the fuss is about.

What's on your Autumn to-do list?


  1. Im a list girl myself, I love reading other peoples. I am so nosey.

  2. I'm with you on the Pitt Rivers and the French Onion soup! I loved the Ashmolean when we went there last year! The lack of light for Blog photo for Autumn also depresses me!


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