Thursday, 14 December 2017

Rosie's First Snow Day

I can't tell you how excited I was to wake up on Sunday morning to find the world outside my window blanketed in deep snow.

We hadn't had more than a light flurry in five years, so naturally I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning to find over half a foot of snow had fallen during the night, and giant snowflakes were still blizzarding down from the sky. The view from my bedroom window looked like a winter wonderland... and trust me, there's nothing wondrous about that view of terraced RAF houses on an average day. Somehow a dusting of snow can make anywhere look pretty.

I'm always excited when it snows because we don't get much snow here in south east England. If we're lucky, we might get snowfall a couple of times each Winter, but we've not had more than a few flakes in around five years, and I don't think we've had snow this deep since 2010. To wake up to so much snow on Sunday was a real novelty, and I couldn't stop myself from chucking on some clothes, and getting out in to the garden with my camera at first light. I'm just an over grown child at heart when it comes to snow!

I intended to take photos of the snow-draped wintry scene outside, but that soon went out the window, as Rosie decided it was the perfect time to play ball, and kept launching snow-caked tennis balls in my direction. I ended up taking heaps of photos of her playing in the snow instead in between throws.

Sunday was Rosie's first ever snow day. She'd never seen snow on the ground before, and barked at it through the window when she first saw it! (Though, to be fair, that dog barks at everything). I didn't get to see her venture out in to the snow for the first time, as my parents let her outside just before I got up, but she was so excited she was zooming around the garden like crazy. She was still super excited when she followed me outside in to the snow half an hour later, and it was hilarious watching her playing in the snow and experiencing it all for the first time. She was prancing around, eating mouthfuls of snow, and running around playing catch, but getting super confused each time the ball sank in the snow before her eyes, and disappeared. Her expression was like that of a small child trying to figure out how its Dad had got its nose. I was in stitches.

I stayed outside in the snow for about an hour, playing ball, taking photos, and getting covered in snow, before retreating back inside to the warmth because I could no longer feel my fingers. It was fucking freezing outside. 

I was exhausted from just playing in the garden, so after thawing dreadlocks of snow off of Rosie's little legs, I went back up to bed, and sat and watched the snow falling from my window. 

It snowed heavily all day without a break, and was still snowing when it got dark late afternoon. By the end of the day, we had almost a foot of snow on the ground! It was magical.

We still had snow on the ground the next morning, and even though the temperature had dropped well below freezing, I couldn't resist taking some more photos outside. Once again, I had an excitable dog bouncing around wanting to play ball. Her reaction to the snow really was adorable.

We still have some snow on the ground today, but the rain melted much of it away last night. It's a shame it's almost gone already, but I enjoyed living in my own winter wonderland while it lasted. It made the last few days even more festive, and is getting me all excited for Christmas now. I just hope it's not the only snowfall we get this winter because I love it. It's one of life's little pleasures.

Did you get snow over the weekend?


  1. Everywhere got snow except us. I live in a small town a couple of miles outside Bristol and while it did snow Sunday thanks to rain Saturday night/Sunday morning it didn't settle :( I would love to see my 8 month old puppy in the snow for the first time :D

  2. Oh gosh! It looks so magical! I still dream of seeing snowfall, i've only seen it from a distance (like on top of a mountain or from a plane). Rosie sure does look like she's having fun!!


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