Saturday, 9 December 2017

50 Alternative Ways To Give Back This Christmas

Christmas is the season of good will and generosity; the time of year when we spoil our loved ones with presents, invite our friends in to our homes for a feast, and even spare a thought for people less fortunate than ourselves.

While most of us will spend a small fortune on our friends and family to show that we care, there are more ways to give back at Christmas time than just by buying expensive presents, and more people we can give back to than just our friends and family. There are charities we can donate to, random acts of kindness we could perform in our communities, and thoughtful gestures we can do for our loved ones if we can't afford to buy them presents this year.

If you're looking for different ways you can give back or random acts of kindness you can do this Christmas, never fear; I've put together a list of fifty ways to give back this Christmas to give you guys a few ideas. Whether you want to help out an elderly neighbour, help the homeless, or do a good deed for a total stranger, I've got plenty of ideas to get you thinking, and (hopefully) inspire a little kindness this Christmas.

Here are 50 alternative ways to give back this Christmas:

1. Buy a hot drink and / or meal for a homeless person.
2. Make a donation to a charity you care about.
2. Buy a Big Issue. If you want to be extra generous, leave the magazine so it can be sold to someone else to gain a second donation.
3. Donate to a food bank.
4. Donate to an animal rescue centre, shelter, or charity.
5. Help out at a soup kitchen.
6. Volunteer your time at an animal rescue centre / shelter.
7. Buy charity Christmas cards.
8. Donate to charity instead of buying Christmas cards and / or presents this year.
9. Sponsor an animal for Christmas.
10. Sponsor a child in a developing country for Christmas.
11. Volunteer at a hospital to spread some Christmas cheer to sick kids.
12. Send shoe box parcels to kids in developing countries.
13. Send parcels to our hard-working soldiers over seas.
14. Spend time with elderly, vulnerable, or lonely people in your community.
15. Offer to do odd jobs, run errands, or  buy groceries for elderly or ill friends or neighbours.
16. Invite lonely neighbours or friends who might be spending Christmas alone over for Christmas Day.
17. Shovel snow or salt the ice from a neighbour's property.
18. Pay for the person's meal / drink behind you in the queue or drive-thru.
19. Put spare change in a parking meter that's about to expire.
20. Take someone who might have difficulty getting out and about alone Christmas shopping.
21. Treat a friend to a coffee / drink / meal.
22. Offer to carry a friend's / loved one's heavy shopping bags.
23. Bake cookies and share with your neighbours or colleagues.
24. Give a little something to your postie and other delivery drivers to say 'thanks' for bringing you all those parcels of clothes and make up.
25. Offer to pet-sit for people who are going away for Christmas.
26. Buy a round of drinks for the house.
27. Babysit to allow parents a night off to Christmas shop, enjoy a night out, or just spend some quality time together.
28. Offer to post someone's Christmas parcels when you go to the Post Office to post your own.
29. Help out at a food bank.
30. Have a clear out and donate any money you make to charity.
31. Help a friend or neighbour put up their Christmas lights.
32. Walk someone's dog.
33. Help a friend or loved one wrap presents.
34. Let someone go in front of you in the queue.
35. If you leave a car park with time still left on your ticket, hand it to a person just coming in.
36. Give up your seat on public transport to someone who needs it more.
37. Make a gift by hand to show you care.
38. Do extra chores around the house.
39. Send thank you cards.
40. Volunteer your time for a good cause.
41. Lend some money to a loved one struggling to afford Christmas.
42. Pick up litter in your neighbourhood.
43. Make a book of handmade coupons each offering a different service (clean the bathroom, cook dinner, bring you breakfast in bed, good for one hug etc.) to give to a loved one for Christmas.
44. Run your partner / Mum a bubble bath after a long day.
45. Donate warm clothes and blankets to homeless shelters, or shelters for women who've escaped domestic abuse.
46. Give out warm blankets or coats to homeless people you pass all the time, or leave some in a dry place where the homeless can find them.
47. Get people to sponsor you to do something for a good cause (run a marathon, spend a day in total silence,  challenge yourself to hug a million people, whatever) and donate the money you make to a charity dear to your heart.
48. Bake loads of cakes for a Christmas bake sale to help your local community raise money for their cause.
49. Donate toys to a children's hospital.
50. Spend quality time with your friends and family, instead of spending money.

What do you do to give back to others at Christmas time?

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