Friday, 22 September 2017

The Autumn Tag

As today is officially the first day of Autumn, I thought what better way to mark it than with an Autumn tag post here on the blog. I couldn't find one I liked that I hadn't already done in the past, though, so I decided to come up with my own questions, and created my own tag to answer! 

I give you, The Autumn Tag:

What signifies the start of Autumn for you?

When the evenings begin to get darker earlier, the air feels chillier in the mornings and evenings, the leaves begin to change colour, and kids go back to school after the Summer break. It actually feels like Autumn to me as soon as we reach the 1st of September, even if it's not officially Autumn until a few weeks later; it always feels like the start of a new season.

What do you love most about Autumn?

The explosion of colour. I love it when the leaves change from green to oranges, yellows, reds, and browns; everywhere looks so beautiful with a backdrop of all those fiery colours, especially here in The Cotswolds.

What do you hate about Autumn?

The dark evenings and shorter hours of daylight. It's depressing. I wish we could have summer daylight hours all year round.

What are you most looking forward to this Autumn?

I haven't got anything exciting planned, so I guess I'm most looking forward to seeing the leaves change. 

What are your goals for Autumn?

I want to blog, cross stitch, and read as much as possible, work on improving my photography, up my survey-answering game to earn some extra money for Christmas, sit down and reply to all blog comments, keep training Rosie, carve a pumpkin, go for an Autumn walk, and a bunch of other stuff you can read about here.

What's your favourite Autumn memory?

I don't have a particular favourite Autumn memory, but I get all nostalgic thinking about walking down to the bonfire through paths of fallen orange leaves, and watching the fireworks on the RAF base with my family year after year. Their firework displays were / are always magical. I also love remembering childhood Autumns when we would squeeze through tiny gaps between the garden fences behind our street and the RAF fence line to scavenge for conkers.

What is your favourite Autumn activity?

Going for long walks or drives in the countryside to enjoy the gorgeous Autumn scenery and the fresh air.

What's your favourite thing to do on a cosy dark Autumn evening in?

I love to curl up under a cosy blanket, put on a movie, and do some cross stitching, blogging, and / or reading.

Best way to spend a rainy day?

Curled up at home watching movies, reading, crafting, and blogging.

Do you decorate your home for Autumn?

I still live with my parents because of my chronic illnesses, who don't tend to switch up their decor from season to season, but I would if I had my own place. I like to add a few Autumn decorations to my bedroom, though, like sunflowers, munchkin pumpkins, candles, and cosy bedding when I can afford to.

What's your favourite Autumn movie?

My favourite Autumn movies are actually quite random. At this time of year I love to watch Practical Magic, Stepmom, You've Got Mail, Little Women, War of the Worlds, The Village, The Others, Hocus Pocus, Labyrinth, The Time Traveller's Wife, Mona Lisa Smile, the Scream movies, I Am Legend... and loads of others. Most movies that get me in to the Autumn mood aren't scary movies, but cheesy films with an Autumn setting.

What TV show are you most looking forward to watching this Autumn?

I can't wait for season two of Stranger Things. I got hooked on season one last Autumn, and the trailers for the new series look amazing.

What are your favourite Autumn songs?

Most of the songs I love to listen to in the Autumn aren't proper Autumn songs, but these are the songs that I associate most with Autumn, and listen to a lot at this time of year:

Fallen (entire album)- Evanescence 
Grand Theft Autumn / Where Is Your Boy- Fall Out Boy
Suburban War- Arcade Fire
Pyro- Kings of Leon
Helena- My Chemical Romance
Wake Me Up When September Ends- Green Day
I Miss You- Blink 182
Two Beds and a Coffee Machine- Savage Garden
Lost In Paradise- Evanescence
As The World Falls Down- David Bowie / Labyrinth OST
Final Masquerade- Linkin Park
Love Will Tear Us Apart- Broken Social Scene
Not Like The Other Girls- The Rasmus
The Killing Moon- Echo and the Bunnymen
Head Over Heels- Tears For Fears
Set The Fire To The Third Bar- Snow Patrol
The Interview- AFI
Love Will Tear Us Apart- Joy Division
Broken- Seether and Amy Lee
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me- Fall Out Boy

What's your favourite Autumn candle?

I love a good Yankee Candle at this time of year, particularly Salted Caramel, Tarte Tatin, Pain au Raisin, and anything that smells like baked goods. They make the house feel extra cosy.

What's your favourite Autumn comfort food?

My Mum's apple pie with custard has always been a favourite of mine. 

What's your favourite seasonal Autumn drink?

I don't do the whole seasonal-flavoured thing, but I love to treat myself to the occasional Costa hot chocolate when the weather starts turning colder.

What are your favourite Autumn colours?

All of the colours of the foliage; the oranges, yellows, reds, and browns which blend together to create an explosion of colour.

What are your favourite Autumn fashion colours?

I love burgundy, forest green, teal, mustard, plum, raspberry, wine, and rust.

What is your favourite Autumn fashion trend?

I really like the checked trend that's around at the moment, although I don't really follow specific trends. I just wear whatever I like regardless of whether it's in or not.

What's your favourite Autumn fragrance?

It has to be Red Delicious or Be Delicious by DKNY. The apple scents are perfect for Autumn.

What's your favourite Autumn make up look?

I love wearing gold, bronze, and green eyeshadows and liners with black or brown mascara.

What is your favourite eyeshadow palette for Autumn?

The Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette is rather gorgeous for Autumn; it has so many beautiful shades.

What's your favourite lipstick for Autumn?

I don't wear lipstick very often, but at this time of year I would go with a berry shade or a deep red.

What's your favourite nail polish shade for Autumn?

I can't get enough of forest green and burgundy nail shades at this time of year. My favourite was Racing Green by Barry M, but I think it's been discontinued, and right now I'm loving a Body Shop Colour Crush shade called Body Shop Green.

Do you like feeling the cold on your skin?

Yes, I love feeling the cold air on my face, as long as the rest of me is wrapped up warm enough. It's a welcome change to being boiling hot 24/7.

Do you go to a pumpkin patch or buy your pumpkins in store?

I've never been to a pumpkin patch. I'd love to go to one, but I've never come across one in my area. I guess they're more of an American thing? I've always bought my pumpkins from the supermarket or farm shop.

What's your favourite pumpkin recipe?

I've never tried anything pumpkin-flavoured. We don't really do the whole pumpkin-flavoured thing in England.

Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I do! I'm not very good at it, but I've always enjoyed carving them.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

I'm not planning on dressing up for Halloween. I haven't actually dressed up for Halloween since I was eleven!

How do you celebrate Halloween?

We don't make a huge deal out of Halloween in England- it's mostly observed by kids trick or treating. I've never done much to celebrate it as an adult, apart from carving a pumpkin, watching some Halloween / horror movies, and eating sweets. I would love to go all out for Halloween and celebrate it like they do in America, though. It looks like so much fun!

Do you decorate your home for Halloween?

Aside from a Jack O' Lantern or two, we don't decorate for Halloween at all. I might have to try a few more decorations this year, though.

What's your favourite Halloween movie?

My favourite Halloween movies have got to be Hocus Pocus, and the Scream movies- they're classics!

What's your favourite horror novel?

You can't beat some Stephen King at this time of the year. I particularly love The Stand, The Tommyknockers, The Shining, Pet Sematary, Under The Dome, Misery, and his short story 'The Mist'. 

Please feel free to steal the tag and answer the questions on your own blog! Remember to leave me a link to your post if you do- I'd love to see your answers!

What's your favourite thing about Autumn?

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1 comment

  1. I loved this tag, Louise! Your answers have made me feel so autumnal! I might try it if I get a chance? xx


I love reading all your lovely comments, so don't be afraid to leave me a comment or a question below! I'll do my best to reply ASAP!

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