Sunday, 27 August 2017

Sunday Favourites #290

It's that time of the week again... 

Illustrator Terence Eduarte spent a hundred days illustrating people in exchange for their secrets- kind of like Postsecret, if all the secrets were designed by one person. It's a visual treat but heartbreaking read.

These galaxy party pancakes by A Subtle Revelry look amazing!

I love these quirky, beaded UFO brooches from Oliness Art Studio.

These DIY string art thank you notecards from Little White Socks are so lovely.

I need this pink Viewfinder enamel pin from Glitter Punk Jewellery in my life.

This DIY sheet of paper Mean Girls cake by Studio DIY is all kinds of awesome.

Artist Dani Ives creates realistic portraits of animals using a needle and wool, and the results are amazing! Just look how beautiful they are!

I want to make a DIY pom pom desk lamp, like this one A Kailo Chic Life embellished.

I also want to make this rainbow colour house number board from A Subtle Revelry to brighten up my home.

I love Lovely Indeed's yellow bar cart, and their DIY gold tropical leaf art is really eye-catching, too.

How cool does this brush stroke birthday cake by A Subtle Revelry look?!

I'm tempted to have a go at this DIY clay cactus ring dish from Lovely Indeed sometime; it's adorable.

These paintings by Cathy McMurray are so beautiful.

Brooklyn based artist Alejandro Duran uses trash washed up on Mexico's beaches to create colourful but alarming art that examines the tension between the natural world and increasingly overdeveloped one.

 This beautiful photo shoot of animals rescued from the black market by a sanctuary in California. I really love the eye make up looks many of the models are rocking, too.

Lovely Links

♥ An American woman was fired for menstruating on the job. That's right, ladies; leaking during your period can get you fired in 2017. I kid you not.

♥ Toronto orchestra shuts down after fat-shaming its singers. And they still don't think they did anything wrong.

♥ This woman managed to buy herself a flat after saving money by eating from bins for 4 years. And this was by scavenging relatively fresh packaged foods; not other people's left overs.

♥ 12 questions that divide northerners and southerners of England. As a Southerner with northern family, my answers are a mix of the two.

If you'd like to see more stuff like this, check out my Pinterest and Tumblr. You can also find all previous Sunday Favourites posts here.

Thanks for reading!

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