Thursday, 3 August 2017

Photo Diary | June and July 2017

It's been a couple of months since I last shared a photo diary, so this month's post is going to be packed full of photos, including plenty of snippets from June as well as July. 

The last two months have been filled with fun experiences and happy times; I spent a week in Cornwall with my family, and visited plenty of beautiful places, including St. Ives, Newquay Zoo, Padstow, Perranporth and St. Michael's Mount. I was taken out for afternoon tea at Jane's Enchanted Tea Garden, spent my birthday at the Cotswold Wildlife Park,  pottered around Oxford a couple of times, and tagged along to Bicester Village once or twice. I've welcomed every chance to get out and about to have some fun for a couple of hours, and for a short time, I've almost felt like I've been living my life again- even if after an hour or two of life I've been back in bed again dealing with the repercussions. It's just been nice to put a little life back in to my years for a change, instead of spending another Summer behind the same four walls.

Of course, I've also made my own fun at home, painting, cross stitching, reading, and hanging out with my dog, and celebrated turning another year older last month, so I've been a busy bee for a spoonie! I've snapped so many photos over the last couple of months to document it all; some I've already shared on Instagram or on the blog, and some I haven't. Today I've brought some of the best bits together to share with you, and here they are to sum up my Summer so far.

1. St. Ives harbour. // 2. Boats on St. Ives harbour. // 3. Waves crashing over Seal Island. // 4. Dog mermaid. // 5. It's a razzle dazzle day. // 6. Eating a Kelly's Salted caramel ice cream in St. Ives.

1. Truro Cathedral. // 2. Beautiful ornate detail on Truro Cathedral. // 3. A pillar on the front of the cathedral. // 4. Goat at Newquay Zoo. // 5. Macaque to food: 'I'm going to destroy you.' // 6. Pretty peacock.

1. Capybara at Newquay Zoo. // 2. Peacock displaying his feathers. // 3. Adorable tapirs. // 4. Pick up a penguin. // 5. Lioness having a nap. // 6. A meditating ringtailed lemur.

1. Flamingo ornaments in a beach shop in Perranporth. // 2. Colourful pineapples. // 3. Amazing Snickers ice cream from Perran Dairy Ice Cream Parlour. // 4 & 5. Perranporth Beach. // 6. Please do not feed the seagulls.

1. Essential holiday breakfast. // 2. Delicious strawberries at Berryfields Farm. // 3. My New Look ice cream clutch in Padstow. // 4 & 5. Padstow Harbour. // 6. My new Havianas have sushi on them!

1. Tasty macarons from Rick Stein's Patisserie. // 2. Amazing fish and chips and battered scallop from Rick Stein's fish and chip shop in Padstow. // 3. Visited a teddy bear shop in Padstow. // 4. Pretty colourful street art in Cornwall. // 5. Found The Animals of Farthing Wood on DVD in Sainsbury's- I was obsessed with the series when I was little. // 6. Playing Pacman Bingo in Perran Sands arcades.

1. Perranporth Beach. // 2. Having a paddle in the sea. // 3. Walking up to St. Michael's Mount. // 4. Walking the causeway to St Michael's Mount. // 5. Pretty as a picture. // 6. Follow the cobblestone road.

1. Boats in St. Michael's Mount harbour. // 2. A map of the area around St. Michael's Mount painted on to a building on the island. 3 & 4. Cornish postcards I bought in St. Michael's Mount. // 5. Giant deckchair. // 6. Cute pastel-coloured beach hut at Perran Sands.

1. Rosie back from the kennels. // 2. Happy pup. // 3. Love this ball of fluff. // 4. Currently reading. // 5. My new South Beach watermelon beach bag. // 6. Spring cleaning my dressing table seemed like a good idea until I had to dust all of this.

1. Sewn a 1/4 of my spectral mandala. // 2. Feline thread organisers. // 3. Over halfway through my mandala. // 4. Started painting a new seahorse canvas. // 5. Love painting with such pretty colours. // 6. Making progress on my seahorse canvas.

1. Time for Tea. // 2 & 3. Birthday afternoon tea at Jane's Enchanted Tea Garden. // 4 & 5. Bunting and tea cups in the tea garden. // 6. A vintage pram and knitted clown doll.

1. Cotton top tamarin at The Cotswold Wildlife Park. // 2. Adorable wolf cub. // 3. Someone's enjoying his food. // 4. Taking a break from Hogwarts. // 5. Birthday ice cream at the wildlife park. // 6. Rhino grazing in front of the Gothic manor house.

1. Birthday present wrapped in fox print paper. // 2. Kate Spade seahorse print wallet from Marie. // 3. The sis bought me this cute fox notebook at the zoo. // 4. Cath Kidston sewing cottage from my parents. // 5. New Canon bridge camera from the parents. // 6. Awesome presents from my little sis.

1. Brown paper packages tied up with string (and ribbon). // 2 & 3. Birthday cards. // 4 & 5. Birthday cake of chocolately goodness. // 6. Birthday tea.

1. The sis gave me the new Philosopher's Stone Gryffindor edition. // 2. Bought the amazing NYX Ultimate Brights shadow palette with some birthday money. So dreamy! // 3. Street art in Oxford's covered market. // 4. Stopped for a cheeky Patisserie Valerie. // 5. Beautiful books in a stationery shop in Oxford. // 6. Creepy vintage marionette puppets in same Oxford stationery shop.

1 & 2. Snippets of a giant piece of street art at Bicester Village. // 3. I gots a sore paw. // 4. Amazing Stecco Natura chocolate hazelnut gelato lolly. // 5. Tasty Feast Sandwich. // 6. Dog sitting Mia, Marie's beautiful German Shepherd.

1. Rosie chillin' in the garden. // 2. Taking a break from playing with her squeaker. // 3. Pretty girl. // 4. Happy pup. // 5. Relaxing on the lawn. // 6. Cute fur ball curled up on my legs.

And that is June and July in pictures! 

If you'd like to see any previous Photo Diaries, you can find them all here. You can also follow me on Instagram here to keep up with all my latest snapshots. As you can see, I like to post colourful photos, cute snapshots of Rosie, crafts I'm working on, nature photos, travel, a bit of fashion and beauty, and things I buy, love, and like. 

What did you get up to in July?


  1. Beautiful pictures Louise - Rosie is so so gorgeous <3

  2. Awww....looks like you've had a fun few months!


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