Friday, 2 December 2016

25 Ways To Enjoy Christmas On Bed Rest

For many, Christmas is regarded as the most wonderful time of the year, and if you're one of them, suddenly finding yourself bed ridden and unable to enjoy the festivities can be incredibly frustrating and upsetting. My first Christmas of being bed ridden from chronic pain was soul-crushing, but thankfully since then I've learnt that you don't have to miss out on the festive cheer altogether, just because you're laid-up in bed. (Obviously, this will depend on how poorly you or your loved one is).

From personal experience, I've learnt that there are many ways you can enjoy Christmas without leaving your bed, and I'm here to share some of them with you today.  So, whether you're bed ridden from chronic pain, chronic illness, disability, injury, illness, or any other reason, here are twenty five ways you can enjoy Christmas, or help make a sick loved one's Christmas more enjoyable, on bed rest. 

Don't write those festive celebrations off just yet!

1.  Decorate your bedroom / hospital room for Christmas so you can still enjoy some festive cheer while you're resting. Ask a loved one to help you put up a little Christmas tree, fairy lights, and all sorts of lovely Christmas decorations, and lay back and enjoy your own Winter wonderland.

2. Have lots of Christmas movie marathons. Get your family and friends to come join you for a film or two- they can bring the popcorn and other tasty snacks!

3. Watch festive TV programmes and Christmas specials. You can't beat The Vicar of Dibley, and Gavin and Stacey Christmas specials, or all the Christmas cookery shows and craft programmes that are on TV this time of year. They never fail to get me excited for Christmas.

4. Read some festive-themed novels like A Christmas Carol, and Little Women. They should not only make you feel festive, but help take your mind off being bed ridden and poorly for a while, too.

5. Listen to your favourite Christmas tunes. Dig out your old Christmas CDs or download some new Christmas albums, and make some killer festive playlists. Play them up loud, sing along, and you'll be in the Christmas spirit in no time.

6. Buy a lovely Advent calendar so that you have something nice to look forward to every day in the run up to Christmas. There are all kinds of wonderful calendars to choose from these days, filled with everything from chocolates to beauty products, candles to jewellery, toys and alcohol, and so much more.

7. Work on a Christmas craft project. There are many you could try while you're resting, even when you're lying down or propped up against a few pillows in bed. You could cross stitch, try embroidery, crochet, knit, make your own crackers, have a go at card making, make jewellery, link paper chains, make Christmas decorations, string popcorn and cranberry garlands, do some festive journaling, and all kinds of other fun crafts. You could make something lovely for yourself, or make Christmas presents for you friends and family. The possibilities are endless. I personally find cross stitching Christmas samplers enjoyable and therapeutic, and I love making my own Christmas crackers, too. 

8. Swap your usual bedding for a Christmas-themed duvet set, and add in a thick, cosy Winter blanket to snuggle in to on those cold December nights.

9. Get cosied up in Christmas themed pyjamas, socks, and slippers.

10. Invite your friends over for a festive night in. Pop on some festive films, eat delicious Christmas snacks, have a few drinks (if your health and medication allows), do each other's nails in festive colours, and give your skin some TLC with a face mask. (Peel-able masks are probably best if you can't get up to wash a mask off your face).

11. Colour your way through a Christmas colouring book. There are many aimed at adults now, and the pastime is ridiculously therapeutic and relaxing, as well as a fun way to de-stress.

12. Have your family bring Christmas to you. You could all open presents together, play board games, pull crackers, and even eat Christmas dinner together around your bedside.

13. If you can sit up for a while, why not get stuck in to wrapping Christmas presents as beautifully and creatively as you fancy? You could even offer your wrapping services to your family, who will probably be grateful to have one less thing to do.

14. Write out all of your Christmas cards, and if you like to write one, a Christmas letter to go with them.

15. Do all of your Christmas shopping online, and shop around for the best deals and perfect presents for your loved ones.

16. Drink festive drinks like hot chocolate and egg nog, and have all of your beverages served in a Christmas mug or glass.

17. Indulge in delicious Christmas food, like turkey sandwiches, mince pies, Christmas pudding, festive chocolates, apple pie, cheeseboard deliciousness, hot roasted chestnuts, cake... what ever festive foods you love best.

18. If you feel up to dressing and getting out of your PJs for a while, dress up in an awesome novelty Christmas jumper or fun Christmas-print dress.

19. Give yourself a festive manicure. Try some Christmas nail art, nail wraps, false nails, or glitter nail polishes, or get a friend or relative to do your nails for you.

20. Read Christmas blog posts on your favourite blogs, and live vicariously through their picture perfect lives.

21. Create Christmas boards on Pinterest, pin lots of beautiful Christmas images, and day dream about having your dream Christmas.

22. Go shopping online and treat yourself to an early Christmas present or two. You deserve it.

23. If your family and friends go out to Christmas carnivals, markets, and gatherings that you can't attend, get them to bring you back some goodies to enjoy, to include you in the festivities. 

24. Get yourself some Christmas photo booth props and amuse yourself by taking silly selfies of yourself wearing them all. Share on social media if you're brave enough.

25. Have a good browse around online for things you like, want, or need, and compile your Christmas list. If anybody asks for present suggestions, you can then hand over the list, or "accidentally" leave the tab open for your special someone to find.

Have you ever spent Christmas on bed rest? What helped you get through it?

1 comment

  1. This is a lovely post Louise - I hope you're getting to enjoy some of these things with your friends/family over the Christmas season x


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