Sunday, 20 November 2016

Sunday Favourites #213

Who's ready for this week's Sunday Favourites?

These DIY pie cakes are adorable!

This DIY tangram pinata is really cute.

I want to make one of these pretty paper leaf fall wreaths. Aren't they lovely?!

This Lady Liberty make up look is ah-mazing!

Did you know unicorn toast is now a thing?

 This DIY sugar scrub sand art reminds me of creating pretty bottles of colourful sand art at Haven holiday camps when I was a kid!

I'm loving this bright and colourful honeycomb centrepiece; I'd love to do something similar for Christmas in festive colours.

This salted caramel cheesecake mousse needs to get in my belly now!

These garlic herb parmesan pretzel twists look absolutely delicious.

This colourful do is gorgeous, too.

I love this colour-block mood board idea.

This hand-lettered wood slice is lovely, and while I'm not religious, I think those are some very wise words.

And this beaded evil eye flower embroidery is amazing!

Lovely Links

Follow me on Pinterest and Tumblr for daily favourites. Y'know, if you want.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day.

1 comment

  1. I want to try some unicorn toast, also well done that volunteer group for looking after "Emily" her friends should be ashamed of themselves - we're meant to be there for our friends, not abandoned them!


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