Saturday, 22 October 2016

Today, I Wish...

I could master photography and photo editing.
♥ There were some pain au chocolat's in the house.
♥ I could have just one day off from living with chronic pain and illness. An hour, even.
♥ That I was on Perranporth Beach in Cornwall, swimming and body boarding in the sea. (Even if it would be fucking freezing at this time of year).
♥ I could own all of Lindy Bop's new dresses and skirts.
♥ My best friend lived closer so I could see her more often.
♥ Somebody could make Trump disappear. Like now.
♥ I could take a trip to Austria.
♥ I was watching one of my favourite bands or singers perform live. I need a concert fix.
♥ That I was back in New York City.
♥ That I could go get my hair cut a foot shorter right now. My waist-length mane is driving me mad.
♥ It was Christmas time already. (Like I'm not already immersed in festive stuff! Ha ha!)
♥ That there was a painkiller that actually killed my pain. 
♥ I could decide on a book to read next.
♥ I had a Nutella Krisy Kreme doughnut. (Have you tried one yet? They're amazing!)
♥ I was well enough to take my puppy on walks in the countryside like other dog owners.
♥ There was less hate, and prejudice in the world.
♥ I could go for a long Autumn walk through paths of crunchy fallen leaves, somewhere where the trees are already colourful.
♥ I lived in a little Cotswold village cottage with a pretty view of the countryside. 
♥ And that I also lived in a beautiful house by the sea in Cornwall.
♥ And had a town house in New York.
♥ That money grew on trees so I could afford said houses.
♥ I had the strength to get a shower and wash my hair today.
♥ I could afford to buy the Ciaté, Body Shop, OPI, and Paul & Joe beauty Advent calendars.
♥ That it would snow, at least a foot deep, and turn where I live in to a Winter wonderland, with icicles the size of my arm hanging from the buildings. 
♥ I could work out how I want to redesign my blog.
♥ That I was a better blogger.
♥ I owned a DSLR.
♥ I had some Ferrero Rochers.
♥ I could go relive my recent Bournemouth / Brighton road trip. Such a fun weekend!
♥ That I wasn't stuck at home in bed on yet another Saturday night.
♥ That we lived in a world where people were judged for who they are on the inside, instead of for the number sewn in to their clothes. That everybody could be respected and accepted, regardless of whether they're fat or thin or anything in between. 
♥ I could take a nap.
♥ I had the new Kings of Leon album.
We celebrated Halloween like they do in America, with everybody decorating their homes, enjoying seasonal foods, and the whole 'pumpkin patch' thing.
♥ I could find the appointment slip for Monday's hospital appointment. I've looked everywhere, and can't find it. I've forgotten when the appointment actually is. Oops.
♥ That I owned some decent blog lights, so I could take (better) blog photos whenever I needed, and could blog more.
♥ I could work out what to get my Dad for his 70th birthday in November, and my Mum for her 60th in December. 
♥ I had nicer, neater handwriting.
♥ That I was good at art, making things, and playing musical instruments.
♥ And that I could go soak for an hour or two in a hot, relaxing bubble bath.

Well, it doesn't hurt to dream!

What are you wishing for today?


  1. I wish I could book another holiday! I for one think your blog photos are pretty great x

  2. I agree with Trees, your photos are great. I wish for you to be pain free too. It is horrid that you are aware of it all the time.
    Yes to the Lindy Bop skirte and dresses. I was going to go for the book dress but then I wasn't sure and it had sold out. Oh well, I think I might be receiving the Cath. Kidston book dress for Christmas so two might be excessive!x


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