Sunday, 30 October 2016

Sunday Favourites #210: Halloween Special

This week's Sunday Favourites is another Halloween special, packed full of some (mostly colourful) last minute Halloween inspiration to help get you in the mood. 

I would never have thought to cross stitch a pumpkin, but after finding this DIY, I wish I had. They're right up my street.

I adore these Sanderson sisters enamel pins from Tees And Tank You Shop. I need all three.

These Halloween chocolate bar printables are a fun idea for jazzing up chocolate for trick or treaters.

I love these DIY Candy Corn flamingos. I know we don't get Candy Corn in the UK, but I'm sure you'll recognise it from American movies, and episodes of TV shows set on Halloween. FYI, they taste like vanilla fudge.

I can't remember the last time I had a toffee or candy apple, but I definitely want one now after finding these recipes for glamming up candy apples.

How amazing do these pumpkins look?! Also, the post they're from gives some great ideas on how to throw a Halloween girls night in.

I love this DIY for pumpkin spice candles.

These DIY gold and neon no carve pumpkins are gorgeous.

These Halloween party pumpkin pops are so cute.

If  cake pops aren't your thing, how about these adorable pastel pumpkin cookies? They remind me of Cinderella's carriage.

These pastel pumpkins look so lovely.

I'm completely smitten with this gorgeous DIY ombre mini pumpkin centrepiece. It looks amazing! This would be a great DIY to do for Autumn, as well as Halloween.

These DIY marbled pumpkins also look fantastic.

And these little DIY painted pumpkins are super cute, too.

How cute is this black cat cake?!

I want to make some of these chocolate bark Halloween brownies.

And maybe a batch of these DIY melting ghost Halloween macarons, too.

And last but by no means least, I love these ideas for a charming Halloween movie night  .

Happy Halloween!

For more Halloween inspiration, check out my All Hallows Eve board on Pinterest, and my other Sunday Favourites Halloween Specials.

What are your plans this Halloween? Will you be celebrating it, or is Halloween not your thing?



  1. I love how you have chosen everything cute for Halloween. I don't celebrate or acknowledge it but LOVE all the ways you have

  2. I think I just died from the cuteness of the Bat-Bunny and cat cake!


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