Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Wednesday Wish List

This week I've been coveting...

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Erstwilder's new Galactic collection by Donna Mizzi is too cute for words. All of the kitsch, fifties-style designs are so fun. I think the Close Encounter (#1). Roxy's Ray Gun (#11), and the God of Time (#16) brooches are my favourites.

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I've fallen in love with these make up brush sets from Spectrum. My younger sister bought The Glam Clam set last week, and it's the most beautiful set of make up brushes I've ever seen. I wonder if she'd notice if I stole them...

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I love these beautiful pieces from Collectif. The Dolores Paper Pin Up dress and top are to die for, and the Pietra Fur Collar cardigan looks so glam.

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Yet more gorgeous Dorothy Perkins dresses on my lust-list. I already have the cord pinafore dress in burgundy, and I can't wait to wear it this Autumn. I may need it in black, too.

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Would you look at these beautiful eyeshadow palettes from Urban Decay! So many pretty colours. I definitely don't need any more eye make up (I already have an entire drawer full), but I'd still love to add these to my make up arsenal.

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These pieces from River Island Plus are so dreamy.

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I love these Coca Cola patches, and cross-body bag from Skinny Dip. The bag reminds me of those giant Coca Cola stools and cassette players that were around in the eighties. Does anyone remember those? My Auntie had one, and my parents still have two of the Heineken stools in the house.

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These pieces from ASOS Curve and Alice & You are all so beautiful. I'd wear them all to death.

Dragon slippers!

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And last but by no means least, these limited edition eyeshadow trios from Paul & Joe are stunning. I love that their packaging is always as beautiful as the make up itself.

If you'd like to see more of the fashion and beauty pieces on my wish list each week, check out my style and beauty wish list boards on Pinterest.

What's on your wish list this week?


  1. The new Erstwilder brooches are ammmmmmaaazing! My sister bought me an Erstwilder Cherry Pie brooch today as a VERY late birthday present, as it was the one I was infatuated with, but in retrospect, I wish I had gone for the alien in his spaceship!!! He looks so pretty!

  2. Sign me up for ALL of those brooches!!

  3. I seriously could spend SO much at Erstwilder, I already have like 10 pieces but always want to add more!


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